My reflection of the learning program – Manu – Learning program

For todays task  i had to make a video about my reflection of the Holiday Learning Program. it was very simple to do but just saying for those who participated in the learning program was a hard challenge for me. Thanks for the activitys hat we had to do because that was very fun!. COME TO MY BLOGGGG TO COMMENT ON MY NEW POST.!!!!

My video about the cost of my groceries – Manu – Learning program

For todays second task was to record myself to talk about the groceries cost. we had to discus with our parents but i couldn’t do that because my parents were away. but i did talk about it with my mom yesterday. it was very fun to do. COME VISIT MY BLOG! to have fun!. comment on my new post right now. HAVE A GREAT DAY NOW!!

My speech about why you should visit TONGA! – Manu – Extra writing

MANU’s SPEECH – Why you should visit Tonga


 Why should you visit Tonga? My name is Manu and I’m here today to talk about why you should visit Tonga. I hope you will learn something today about the beautiful country Tonga. I mean why not, haven’t you seen all the beautiful islands and villages, if you haven’t visited Tonga, go there NOW!. I’m not LYING GO TO TONGA NOW!. 


I am going to tell you about the beautiful land of Tonga

 Why should all of you go there? 


Firstly, I will tell you about the beautiful sea in Tonga.


The reason why you should visit Tonga is because of their beautiful sea. I mean go have a swim, it is smooth, definitely not dirty and it’s wavy and sometimes whales show up that want to swim with you, I know right that is cool. You could hear waves coming through, the temperature of their water is very warm. The warmest water temperature is in February with an average around 28.0°C. The coldest month is August with an average water temperature of 23.6°C. Swimming in this warm water is the best thing you could imagine.


Their actions,how they greet you and their language 


 When you go to Tonga, the Tongan people over there will greet you very nicely and beautifully, they show you why they are a very nice country and why it’s a wholesome country to live in. Some of the language you will hear would be:


Why they are a safe country


Tonga is a paradise in the middle of the south pacific and there’s no deadly animals found in Tonga. Well when i went to Tonga it was the most brilliant adventure i have expected. When you take one step on one of their islands, it is breath-taking, you are nervous because probably you haven’t travelled around the world before. They are a safe country because their crime rates are very low, I mean who would want to rob that beautiful country anyways. Second reason why it is a safe country is because Tonga has no living animals except for dogs and cats.


One of their main food and their deserts


Next reason why you should visit Tonga is because of their beautiful food and I mean it’s very very yummy. One of their main foods is sapasui, sapasui is like noodles with pork, carrots and some peas in it and it has some green beans. Green beans are ok for me. 

Sapasui is great but not as great as lu. There are different kinds of Lu like lu sipi and lu bulu. It is served with lamb or mutton drenched in coconut cream and baked in taro leaves and sometimes you can add some corn beef to make it even more delicious and I’m not done. We have way more coming up for you so you can visit Tonga. More of our Tongans food are like Kumala, talo, ufi, manioke, mei, siane, some fresh fish that we have on our beautiful seas, corn beef, some sweet chicken, eggs but you can eat the yolk if your a very STRONG TONGAN! And of course the last one is ota ika, ota ika is served with coconut cream with some raw fish, salad on the side, lime juice and diced vegetables. The raw fish is supposed to be on the lime juice so it’s slimy and yummy!. The reason why they add coconut cream to the ota ika is to add more flavour to the fish so it’s way more fantastic.  one of Tonga’s very delicious desserts. It is very complicated and it is much better than ice cream. Their desserts are keke isite, keke is cake and I’m not talking about a actuall cake. A keke is a cake but small and round.  So you make some doe, you shake around with your hand and bake in some oil and there you go, some fresh, baked keke. Pineapple pie, pineapple pie is a pie that has cake and pie and some pineapple slices on the top, it has some cream in it spread all around the pie. Most of the Tongans desserts are Tongan jelly roll pie, a jelly roll pie is a pie rolled up spreded all around with some jam.


  • Their traditional Tongan drinks


Why you should visit Tonga is because of their yummy yummy drinks. One of their tasty drinks is otai, otai is a national Tongan drink that is served with different kinds of fruits like apples, oranges and pineapple which is the very best otai. The liquid that comes with it is orange juice, pineapple juice and apple juice and Even little bit of some coconut slices in it. The last reason why you should visit Tonga is because they drink kava, kava is kinda like alcohol but not that very tasty for some adults that drink it. I do not know the recipe but the colour of kava is brown and we do not serve it with a cup or bowl, we serve it in a coconut bowl, so you cut the white things in the coconut and there you go KAVA!.


  • What are Tonga most known for

Why you should visit Tonga is because they are most known for humpback whales. Humpback whales visit the surrounding waters between June and October and are visible in water when people are fishing. Second reason why you should visit Tonga is because they are known for their Tongan rugby team, their Tongan rugby team, their rugby team is very good, im Tongan and my dream is to reach the Tongan rugby team when I am older.


  • Some interesting facts why you should visit Tonga


: For Tonga Sunday is a day where they get to rest all day.

:James cook visited Tonga in 1773

:there was a disappearing island in Tonga in 1867

:Niuafo’ou is a tiny island in the kingdom of Tonga


:Tonga have 170 islands

:The capital of Tonga is nuku’alofa 

:Tonga only speak Tongan and English so they communicate with people easily.


Why Tonga is special


Another reason why you should visit Tonga is because they are special. Tonga is special because they are known as friendly islands, that means that they are the friendliest island and country in the pacific. They’re special because of their stunning beaches, rich cultural heritage and friendly locals.


Tongas special culture dances

Guys just hold on, i know my speech is long but this is the last reason why you should visit tonga because of their own culture dances, types of dances they do are Me’etu’upaki, otukaka, Ma’ulu’ulu, ula, Tau’olunga, Kailao and soke and mako. Some dances are made with wooden sticks and more. A Ma’ulu’ulu is done when you’re sitting and doing actions. My favourite is the mako. Mako is done when you’re standing and doing the same actions as the other one, it makes you look cool when you’re doing the mako. You do Tongan dances when it’s a culture event or you’re doing it for Tonga.


       Tongans culture clothes


Never mind guys this will be the last reason, you guys are doing well keeping up with me but i swear this is the last reason. The last reason why you should visit tonga is because of their culture clothes, its so well designed, heaps of patterns and this is probably for you but could actually make your own ta’ovala, a ta’ovala has different kinds of patterns and i think you have to weave it and if you know how to weave you are the perfect person to make a ta’ovala. When you wear your ta’ovala that means it’s a sign of respect and that is another way you could show respect. More of their culture clothes are a tupenu, a tupenu can be any colour, it’s supposed to cover your legs and half of your stomach but you are supposed to wear shorts inside your tupenu and it’s made out of leaves but doesn’t really look like leaves to other people that wear it.


This has been a long speech folks but i have to cut it off right here, thanks for being here and thank you for having me here. Thank you for listening to my speech. I hope you learned about their culture, clothes, their amazing food and more. If you learned about tonga and it made you want to go there feel free GO RIGHT NOW. This has been Manu signing off on why you should visit tonga and make sure you VISIT TONGA!.

My own quiz – Manu – Learning program

        My own quiz


  • What’s the console i always play on – 


  • Whats my favourite colour – 


  • What house colour am i in – 


  • What’s my favourite sport – 


  • How old am i – 


  • Whats my last name – 


  • My favourite teacher – 


  • What rugby club am i im


  • My favourite subject in school

For today to get golden points i had to make my own quiz about myself. i did sent it to daniel.p, daniel, tupou and probably more so they can know more all about me and by the way i did it on the google document.